The renewal of the privileges of the rating or certificate for a further specified period is contingent upon the fulfilment of the specified requirements as follows :
MCTOM below 5700 kgs for aeroplanes :
1) Less than 1 year
A proficiency check
2) Expired between 1 to 5 years
Aircraft type tech for the class rating being sought;
1 Training Flight in an aircraft
or CAAM approved FSTD for the class rating being sought that consist of 3 take-offs and landings; and
A skill test.
3) Expired for more than 5 years but less than 10 years
Theoretical knowledge examination as follows:
Air Law 1.
Air Law 2.
Operational Procedures
Human Performance and Limitations (if not sat and passed before); and
Aircraft type tech
2 training flights in an aircraft or CAAM approved FFS for the type rating being sought that consist of 3 take-offs and landings; and
A skill test
4) Expired for more than 10 years and above
All theoretical knowledge examinations for appropriate level
Full type rating course approved by the CAAM; and
A skill test